Independence Day is our nation's celebration of a great victory won to start a nation under God and not be under the rule of a king. But there is a greater victory that was won recorded in the Bible. Let's journal about how the Bible is filled with many victories over satan's rule. Our king is Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior. We were victorious when we accepted Christ. When was the last time you shared your salvation testimony with someone? Journal about how the person responded to your testimony. Was the person interested? Did the person listen attentively? Or was the person just pacifying you? Now record why did you share your testimony? So that the Lord will be glorified? Did you share that time in order to plant seeds of faith? Praise the Lord for the victory over sin. Praise the Lord for saving your soul. Write these praises down. Record your salvation experience so others may find Jesus too.
Research the different times that the Bible has recorded victories over satan's evil hold. Record how the people handled each incident and how the Lord was the Victor. During these times take note what happened to the people who did not listen to God and do as He directed them.
Now, think of the times in your life when you were battling satan. Record the times you followed the Lord's direction during your trial and tribulation. Write about how the Lord brought you through these times and the battle was won victoriously. Were there times though you went into battle and did not rely on the Lord to be your commanding officer? Did you enter into the battle and not consult the Lord's direction? What victories were won during these times? In the end, did you call on Jesus for help? Record these different times and compare the outcomes. Memorize the following verse and carry it as you go into life's battles:
Prov 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Write the lessons you learned from the times you did not let the Lord direct your path and you went into the battle on your own. Write how you learned to understand the importance to trust in the Lord first with your life battle you are experiencing.
Praise the Lord for the times He forgave you for not taking Him with you as you marched head on into a particular battle. Those times you went "alone" you were not really alone. Write how you came to that understanding.
There are many battles we all must fight in this world. Depression, financial struggles, relationships, jobs, strangers, mistakes in general, all are different kinds of battles. Are you experiencing a war of your own right now? Are you currently battling one of satan's deceptive lies? Record this war you are in and pray for the Lord's guidance to overcome it and then record how the Lord helped you come out victoriously.
Journal the different times you know the Lord won the victory over one of your friends' battles. Record how the Lord was victorious in your family's life. Write these victories down so that others may learn from them one day. You will have them recorded and will be able to use them to help others. This is how our generals of our armed services go into battles today. They read and study up on battles/wars from the past and take note how they were won. We have something to rely on in battles and can learn from history. It is the Bible. Let the recordings of the Lord's many victories be your example to win your personal battles.
Record the lyrics to "Victory in Jesus". Now journal how that song can be your own personal story.
Make a list of the different battles you have been through. Record how the Lord helped you win them.
Now make a list of the battles you are currently experiencing. Record your prayer on how you will seek the Lord's direction in each of these battles.
Record prayers of how you will rely on the Lord for battles you may encounter in the future.
Do a word study on victory, victorious, victoriously, and victor.
Record verses that have "victory" in them.
Extend your word study on synonyms of victory: triumph, conquer, success, win. A couple antonyms of victory are defeated, beaten. Write how these words relate to incidents in your life. Record how the Lord helped you overcome them.
July 4th may be a day to celebrate "independence", but we must go through each and every day "dependent" on the Lord. Depend on the Lord as your commander-in-chief.
An extension activity: Do a word study on depend. Record the different people who depend on you. Remember the one thing you must take into battle for these people - prayer. Can people depend on you to pray for them? Start a prayer journal for your family and friends. May you become their prayer warrior.
Make a commitment to depend on Jesus. May you be victorious knowing the Lord is on your side. Fight the enemy, satan, the devil with God's Word. Use Scripture as your weapon. The Bible is your sword in this war called life. You will always win when you have Jesus to guide you through whatever struggle you are experiencing. America celebrates Independence Day once a year but I pray you remember to celebrate your dependence on the Lord everyday.
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